Thursday 9 June 2011

Project 10 Pan

Ive been debating on whether to actually delve into this prject 10 pan for a few weeks now, cos once this post is up theres no going back! I wouldnt say my make-up collection is really extensive in any way, but it will be if I continue my spending on items that Ive I really thought about it, I dont entirely need. So I feel a project 10 pan is needed. This just means basically I cant buy any cosmetics of any kind until Ive used up 10. I need to save for other things so its about time I actually did this again as the Project 5 Pan I did was a success.

My own additional rules are that I can repurchase essentials such as shampoo, conditioner, shower gel, moisturiser etc as long as I have nothing else I could use as a replacement. However, it would take me literally well over a year to use up 10 make-up items, so if I use full bottles of other cosmetics I will include these accordingly.

To encourage myself to stick to it, when I actually reach the end Im going to treat myself to Chanel Vitalumiere Aqua, because I loooooove it but in general day to day life cant bring myself to spen so much on foundation.

Wish me luck guys! :)


  1. I'm contemplating this...I did a spending ban a while ago and it was a success, but I went crazy after it and have spent loads :/

  2. Good luck! I'm going to start project pan again. :)
